Argeia Curiel Is One Of The Most Recognizable Actresses In Her State Chiapas

Photographer: Omar Guerra

What is your dream role?

Each character that I have in my hands at the moment becomes my dream role, so I have nothing specific, I prefer to be open to options, when you are not that specific you give life a chance to surprise you. Each character that I have portrayed has given me different things and it has enriched me in unique ways. What I do know is that when I read a character I immediately know if I love it or not.

What role has impacted you the most and why?

I believe that each role has impacted me differently, but giving life to Sergeant Rodriguez in the Mucho Corazon series was undoubtedly been one of the most significant roles I’ve ever had because it portrays a strong yet kind woman who also knows what she wants and how to get it.

What is art for you?

To me it means to communicate to the world who we are from the deepest part of our soul through our passion.

Photographer: Omar Guerra

When did you decide to pursue acting?

I found out about an audition for the movie "The Lovers: Stories of a Beautiful Life" by director Rafael Montero. I remember auditioning in early December and I received the call right on Christmas Day telling me that I had landed the role! I will never forget the emotion I felt, that call changed my life! it was the first door that opened and it felt to me like a sign that I was on the right path. From there followed more projects such as Mucho Corazon, Under the Sky of Three Crosses, Los Miserables, and Gossip Girl Acapulco among others.

What do you like most about your career?

Learning from the characters, undressing them until I can understand their soul.

These characters heal me because they help me to see life from a different perspective. When I give life to a character I can feel and understand their view of life and I get rid of any judgment I may have regarding their situation. Acting thus becomes a liberating exercise, I feel it is a catharsis that heals the soul and makes me more complete as a human being.