Interview With Cecilia Salguero, One of The Producers of Brazilian Soccer Star Neymar’s Documentary For Netflix

On January 25th, ‘Neymar: The Perfect Chaos” will premiere on Netflix on the life of Brazilian soccer superstar Neymar, where he shares his successes and struggles

by Contemporary Approaches | January 5, 2021

Cecilia Salguero- One of the Producers for Brazilian Soccer Superstar Neymar’s Documentary For Netflix

1.CA: What is your favorite part of your job?

Cecilia: I love that I get to work with super talented people from around the world. And traveling is definitely my favorite thing about my job. I also like that I get to wear many hats as there is both a creative part and a business part to producing.

2. CA: What would you say is the hardest part of being an executive producer?

Cecilia: Everything! It’s a hard job with great responsibility but I enjoy that.

3. CA: Why are you switching from advertising to film and TV?

Cecilia: I’ve been working in advertising for more than 20 years and as much as I love advertising, I feel the need to face new challenges and learn new things and ultimately grow as a producer. Also, generally producers in film and TV have more creative power than in advertising and I’m definitely interested in that.

4. CA: How did you get to work with some of the biggest platforms in Los Angeles just shortly after you moved to the U.S.?

Cecilia: It was relentless determination in finding the right opportunity for me. Someone who I met in advertising was now the EVP of Production at a Film & TV company and trusted me with my first documentary TV series. I’m extremely grateful for that opportunity and I worked super hard and got two other projects after that that are currently in production.

5. CA: What’s the secret to succeed in your career?

Cecilia: I would say a combination of very hard work, determination and good luck.

6. CA: What would be your perfect project?

Cecilia: There’s no perfect project for me. There’s a perfect job which is making projects that I can be proud of while working with inspiring super talented people.

7. CA: What’s the project you are most proud of?

Cecilia: There are so many, some I’m proud of because of the end result being a beautiful film like Leica 100 years by Jones & Tino or Powerade Stay on by Nico Perez Veiga and others because the production was so massive like the Aquarius Romans films we filmed in Cinecittà, in Italy, with Augusto Gimenez Zapiola and others like Coca Cola ‘Signs’ that with did with Nico Kasakoff for the 2014 World Cup that we shot in Barcelona, Marrakesh and Tokio or Huawei ‘Makers of Christmas’ by Ida Cuellar that we filmed in Finland and Hong Kong. As you can tell, I do like a production challenge and I love working in multi-location international projects.

8. CA: You’ve worked with many celebrities such as Shawn Mendes. What celebrity would you like to work with?

Cecilia: Shawn was very sweet and easy to work with. That being said, I’m not really drawn to celebrities per se but I do love doing very high profile work that gets a lot of attention and celebrities do bring that to the table for sure.