5 Questions With Silvia Kal

Interview With Actress And Model ‘Silvia Kal’ Who Was Born And Raised in Spain And Now Calls Los Angeles Home

Contemporary Approaches | June 27, 2021

In photo: Silvia Kal |Photographer Olga Natalia Alcaraz -Instagram@olganataliaphotography

Hair and Makeup: Claudia Galvez -Instagram @claucgalvez from Hairs Madrid Instagram @hairs.madrid

1. CA: You were born and raised in Spain and then moved to Los Angeles, what inspired you to make these huge steps?

The original idea was to be here for 6 months, but the morning I woke up in Venice Beach I knew I wanted to stay here forever. It’s been eleven years.

Silvia: Since I was a child I had always wanted to live in another country. I always thought it would be the city of New York, but Los Angeles was also very attractive to me. When I was in my 20’s I made plans to move to NY but four days before, the plan fell through. Years later I told a friend of mine that I wanted to move to L.A. and she said she wanted to. We had never been there so we decided to go on vacation. We did it and liked the city, but we had things going on in Madrid at the time. I lived every day thinking that I wanted to move, so one day, I left my job and came. My friend decided to stay in Madrid.

I always liked the idea of the lifestyle in this town and I wanted to be an actress too, but I didn’t know anyone here or how I could even start, so that wasn’t really the reason why. Plus, I needed to improve my English. The truth is that I was also considering Hawaii and Sidney (Australia). For different reasons, L.A. won and I’m very happy with the decision I made, although I also wonder what would’ve happened if I had gone somewhere else.

2. CA: What are some of the biggest challenges in breaking into the acting/entertainment industry?

Silvia: It is a very challenging industry. One of the hardest parts to start is that if you haven’t been in successful projects you can’t access them, but how can you then be in successful projects if you can’t have access to them? It’s a catch 22, so you have to find the way. You also have to spend a lot of time auditioning and preparing for the auditions but it is very hard to get a role, which is frustrating. You have to face a lot of rejection. 

3. CA:What advice do you have for anyone trying to get into the entertainment industry?

Silvia:To be prepared to invest a lot of time with very little reward. If you want to do it, you have to go full on. The people that I see that get somewhere in this career are the ones who don’t have any other job that prevents them from auditioning and the ones who work extremely hard every single day. Also, you can’t take anything personal because if you do, you’d wanna give up fast.

4. CA: How do you build the right team around you, and what important lesson(s) have you learned when deciding who to work with?

Silvia: I only want to work with professional people that have the same goal I have, which is to create good quality projects. Some people use this industry to achieve other personal goals that are not related to work. I learnt a lot about who to invest my time with and what people aren't worth even a minute of my day.

5. CA: What’s next for you?

Silvia:I just went to Spain for two months to shoot a movie and now I’m back and auditioning. I have a project in pre-production that I hope will start shooting soon.